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Andromeda Getting Started
Andromeda's goal is to provide a sophisticated streaming solution that's also easy to set up and maintain.

There's a lot of info on this page, but that's because the idea is to step you through the setup process, and anticipate any problems you might have. Additionally, you'll be exposed to most key Andromeda concepts.

If you have any comments about this document, please let us know: info@turnstyle.com.


Choose your instructions

Index of this page
Requirements [go]
Choose your instructions [go]
Getting Started
1. Download the Andromeda evaluation [go]
2. Move Andromeda into a test folder in your Web site [go]
3. Open Andromeda in your Web broswer [go]
4. Make a simple Andromeda prefs file (optional) [go]
5. Add an MP3 file (and/or a subfolder with an MP3 file) [go]
6. Reload the page [go]
7. Click a play button [go]
Personalize your Andromeda site
8. Add a skin [go]
9. Integrate Andromeda into another site [go]
10. Add pictures, text, HTML [go]
11. Other configurations [go]
Purchasing Andromeda

Getting Started /

1) Download the Andromeda evaluation
    The evaluation software is fully functional. However, please note that it only displays every other file in your collection (1, 3, 5, etc). Two of Andromeda's preferences are pre-configured to help you remember this limitation: customHeader and fileCount. You can disable them via preferences (customHeader includes the note, and fileCount turns the track numbers on).

    When you purchase Andromeda you'll have access to all of your files, as well as two additional preferences: hideMetasearch and hidePoweredby.

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2) Move Andromeda into a test folder in your Web site

3) Open Andromeda in your Web broswer

An empty Andromeda site

4) Make a simple Andromeda prefs file (optional)

5) Add an MP3 file (and/or a subfolder with an MP3 file)

6) Reload the page

Andromeda with folders and files

7) Click a play button

You should now have a working Andromeda site, Welcome Aboard!

Personalize your Andromeda site /

8) Add a skin
    It's easy to change the look of your Andromeda site. Just download a skin or make your own.

    Simply copy your andromedaSkin.txt file into the same folder with your andromeda.php file. When you next reload the page, you should see your new look.

9) Integrate Andromeda into another site

    Andromeda has a number of features that let you integrate it into another site, including sites powered by content management systems and weblogs like PHP-Nuke, PostNuke, phpWebSite, Movable Type, pMachine, Geeklog, and so on...

    As a simple example, try setting Andromeda's absoluteHeader and absoluteFooter preferences:

    #siteName[tab] My Andromeda Name
    #absoluteHeader[tab] <b>top</b> of every page
    #absoluteFooter[tab] <b>bottom</b> of every page

10) Add pictures, text, HTML

Andromeda with text and pictures

11) Other configurations

    Andromeda has loads of other configuration options. Be sure to check out the docs in support, especially the preferences. Some popular preferences include:

    • mediaWebPath and mediaPhysicalPath -- used to serve files from a different folder
    • requireLogon -- activates Andromeda's built-in logon feature (set it to true)
    • displayNew -- automatically hightlights recent additions (set it to true)
    • defaultLanguage -- pick from Andromeda's many languages
    • fileLinks -- turn off the file download links (set it to false)
    • displayAMG -- turn off the Allmusic.com search box (set it to false)

    If you were to take all the prefs dicussed on this Getting Started page into one file, your andromedaPrefs.php file would look something like:

    #siteName[tab] My Andromeda Name
    #playlistMime[tab] audio/x-pn-realaudio
    #hostAddress[tab] {server}
    #absoluteHeader[tab] <b>top</b> of every page
    #absoluteFooter[tab] <b>bottom</b> of every page
    #folderOpenImage[tab] cover
    #folderListImage[tab] cover_thumbnail
    #mediaWebPath[tab] /mp3s
    #mediaPhysicalPath[tab] c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mp3s
    #requireLogon[tab] true
    #displayNew[tab] true
    #defaultLanguage[tab] NL
    #fileLinks[tab] false
    #displayAMG[tab] false

Purchasing Andromeda /
    Thanks for taking the time to take Andromeda for a spin. We hope you've found it to be sophisticated, simple, and smart.

    When you purchase, just replace the evaluation script with the full version. If you set up andromedaPrefs.php and andromedaSkin.txt files, they'll automatically be used (as will any other files).

    Additionally, you'll have access to two new preferences: hideMetasearch and hidePoweredby. If you leave them on you'll be helping to get the word out, and we certainly appreciate it.

    Purchase NowPurchase
    Full Version

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