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Andromeda manual /

    Andromeda turns folders of mp3s saved on your computer into a web site fine-tuned for mp3 playback. Andromeda builds playlists dynamically, making it easy to play a folder full of mp3s (ie an album). You can even let friends remotely play music off your computer (bandwidth permitting).

Andromeda manual /

Browsing and Playing mp3s with Andromeda
    The best way to get a sense of what using Andromeda is like is to visit one of the demo sites. To browse the demo sites all you'll need is a web browser. To play mp3s from the demo sites you'll also need an mp3 player and sufficient bandwidth.

    One tip: unmaximize the window. Andromeda is optimized for a tall, thin window so that you can keep it open off to the side. Try it - you'll see.

    having trouble playing mp3s off the demo sites? skip to troubleshooting...

    Works with popular web browsers:And popular mp3 players:
    » Microsoft Internet Explorer
    » Netscape Navigator
    » Mozilla
    » Opera
    » others...
    » Windows Media Player
    » Real Player
    » Winamp
    » XMMS
    » SoundJam
    » QuickTime
    » iTunes
    » others...

    Browsing the Collection

      Click a folder icon or folder name to open that folder. Use the pulldown menu to jump to 'sibling' folders.

    Playing an mp3

      Click the play button to the right.

    Downloading an mp3

      Right-click the file icon or file name and choose 'Save As...'

    Playing an Album

      Click the play button to the right.


      Enter a search term and click the 'go' button. Andromeda will return folders and/or files containing the search term.


      Check the box next to the file(s) you want, and click 'add to playlist'


      Allmusic.com is an incredibly comprehensive & cross referenced database of artist / album / track info, so I made it easy to search directly from Andromeda. When you're in a folder, its name appears in the search box. Make sure to adjust the pulldown to tell allmusic whether you're searching artists or albums. If the folder contains only mp3s, the pulldown defaults to albums, otherwise artists.

Installing Andromeda



      Basically, once you've got your webserver running, all you need to do is put the Andromeda script and your mp3s into a web accessible folder. Then, when you point your browser to the Andromeda script, you'll get a web page of the contents of the folder.

    Getting Started

      To get the appropriate Andromeda script, click here.

      If you already have the script or just want to see the setup steps, go to the getting started guide.

      The only configuration which you need to look out for is the hostAddress pref, which tells Andromeda which server name to use in URLs. Andromeda makes a good guess, but if didn't guess right you'll need to set the hostAddress preference. See below about preferences and hostAddress.

Organizing Your mp3s


Customizing Preferences


    With Andromeda version 1.4 and greater, you can change the appearance of your site to suit your taste. You can download Andromeda skin files, or create your own.

    Like the andromedaPrefs file, an andromedaSkin.txt file is a tab/return delimited list of keys and values, and it goes in the same folder as the Andromeda script. Unlike the prefs file, it is saved as a .txt file, and can be shared between asp and php installations of Andromeda.

    Most keys require values which are colors. Many keys also require values which are dividing bars.

    Colors can be defined in either of two ways: hexadecimal triplets and English color names. I prefer to use hexadecimal triplets.

    Dividing bars consist of zero or more pairs of colors and heights. Color and height values are separated by a comma. Pairs are separated by a semicolon. Do not include a trailing semicolon. See below for examples.

    a sample andromedaSkin.txt file:
    bodyBgColor[tab] ffffff
    bodyLinkColor[tab] 0000ff
    rowColor1[tab] cccccc
    rowColor1[tab] ccccff
    rowDiv[tab] 999999,1;ffffff,1

    default: 100%
    The width of your site within the browser window, in percent or pixels.

    default: 9999cc
    The background color of your site.

    default: 333333
    The color of text which does not appear in the folder/file rows, and is not a link.

    default: 666699
    The color of the links which do not appear in the folder/file rows.

    default: 996699
    The visited color of the links which do not appear in the folder/file rows.

    default: 999966
    The active color of the links which do not appear in the folder/file rows.

    default: 0
    The width in pixels of the frame around your site.

    The dividing bar at the top of your site, above the menubar.

    default: 999999
    The color of the menubar.

    default: ffff00
    The color of the site name appearing in the menubar.

    default: cccc99,1;9999cc,3;cccc99,1;999999,8;666666,1
    The dividing bar below the menubar.

    default: cccc99
    The foreground color of your site.

    default: font-size:9pt;color:000000;background-color:ffffff;
    Style atributes used on form elements.

    default: 999966,1;efefcc,1
    The dividing bar used in the foreground.

    default: ffffcc,1
    The dividing bar leading from the foreground to the folder/file rows.

    default: efefd0
    The first folder/file row color.

    default: efefef
    The first folder/file row color.

    The color of the links which appear in the folder/file rows.

    default: 333333
    The color of the text which appears in the folder/file rows.

    default: cc6666
    The color of the 'new mp3' text which appears in the folder/file rows.

    default: d0d0d0,1
    The dividing bar between folder/file rows.

    default: 666666,1
    The dividing bar leading from the folder/file rows to the foreground.

    default: ffffcc,1;999999,2;666666,1
    The dividing bar at the bottom of your site.




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